Thursday, September 11, 2008

Glacier National Park, Montana

Glacier National Park is one of the most recognizable names in the National Park system. It is the jewel of Montana and on most folks must see list. Glacier encompasses 1,600 square miles with 130 lakes and over 700 miles of hiking trails. There is even a mile and a half trail that allows dogs, which is unusually in the National Parks system.
One of the highlights in Glacier National Park is the Drive to the Sun, a 53 mile scenic drive across the park. The road is a National Historic Landmark and a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. The Drive to the Sun is closed in winter, only opening after six or more weeks of plowing in the spring. In fact, when I did the drive in mid June only 16 miles on the west end of the park where open. It sounds like a lot of time to plow a mere 53 miles but up to 80 feet of snow accumulates on Logan Pass during the winter. Typically the Drive to the Sun is open June-October.

Additional Information Fees: $25 per vehicle (good for 7 days)
13 campgrounds
730 miles of hiking trails
established in 1910 (10th National Park created)

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